Plot: On vacation in Australia, Scooby and the gang attend a music contest held at Vampire Rock—where the legendary ‘Yowie Yahoo’ Vampire is kidnapping the musical acts, including the Hex Girls. Masquerading as heavy-metal band ‘Those Meddling Kids,’ Scooby and the others must discover the identity of the Vampire’s minions.
Genre: Animation | Comedy | Family | Mystery
IMDB Rating: 5.9/10 from 815 users
Directed by: Scott Jeralds
Starring: Casey Kasem, Frank Welker, Nicole Jaffe
Release Name: Scooby.Doo.And.The.Legend.Of.The.Vampire.2003.720p.BluRay.x264-GERUDO
Size: 2.20 GB
Video: MKV | 1280×720 | 2827 kbps
Audio: English | DTS | 1509 kbps
Runtime: 72min
Samples: Video @ #1, #2, #3